Nikshep Tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh Written Exam Result of Various Positions

Result 13 Jan 2024 1663

Nikshep tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh Notice

Nikshep Tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh (Deposit & Credit Guarantee Fund) Written Exam Result of Various Positions

This notice is published for the information of all concerned that the candidates whose roll numbers and names have passed in alphabetical order among the candidates included in the following advertisement of the written examination taken by this Public Service Commission of Nikshep Tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh (Deposit & Credit Guarantee Fund (Deposit & Credit Guarantee Fund). Also, it is requested to keep in touch with the relevant agencies for interviews and other programs.

Notice Written Exam Result

Nikshep Tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh

Tangal, Kathmandu

Estd. 1974


