Karnali Province Government, Ministry of Social Development, Health Service Directorate, Birendranagar, Surkhet published results of various positions of health services.
As provided in Article 9 of the Karnali Pradesh Technical Manpower Selection Procedure, 2076 (with amendments) for the candidates who submit applications as per the information regarding staff requirements in the service agreement published on 2078-12-09 of the Health Services Directorate; According to the score obtained by the candidate and the marks obtained from the evaluation of the interview conducted on 2079-02-20 and 21 as per sub-section (5) of section 10 of the said procedure, the following candidates have been filled and recommended after determining the qualification order on the basis of total marks. This result has been published as per the decision of this Directorate dated 2079-02-23. Recommended candidates are informed to come to this directorate within 3 (three) days from the date of publication of this notice for an appointment along with the original documents and admit card.
Karnali Pradesh