Gandaki Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result of Forest/Soil Conservation Officer
Province Public Service Commission, Gandaki Province, Pokhara, Written Examination Result Publication Branch Advertisement No. Advertisement no. 7044-7049/2080-81 (Subsurface, Open and Inclusive) Written result for State Forest Service, General Forestry/Soil and Water Conservation Group, Seventh Level, Forest/Soil Conservation Officer Post
Province Public Service Commission, Gandaki Province in the written examination conducted in the following advertisement in alphabetical order of the following roll no. This notification has been published for the information of all those concerned about the fact that the named candidates have passed and been selected for the group test and interview.
The selected candidates should submit 2 copies of passport-size photographs, all the certificates and other necessary documents that meet the minimum qualifications, and 2 copies of the first page and 1 copy of the application form to this commission within 7 (seven) days from the date of publication of this notice. You will have to prove yourself and apply.
If the required minimum qualifications and certificates of other necessary documents are not submitted, the application will be canceled at any time.
This notice also informs the selected candidates that they should take the above-mentioned complete documents and admit cards and attend the following date and time 1 (one) hour before when they come for the group test and interview.
Advertisement No.: 7044-7049/ 2080/081
- Services, Groups, Subgroups: Province Forest, Environment
- Level: Seventh
- Post: Forest/Soil Conservation Officer
- Date of Conduct of Written Examination: 2080/09/20 and 21
- Type: Open and Inclusive
- Demand Post Number: 16
- Number of participants in the written test: 383
- Number of Selected: 30
Place, Date, and Time of Group Test and Interview:
Location:- Provincial Public Service Commission, Gandaki Province, Pokhara.
- Group Test and Interview Schedule Date and Time: 2081/01/16 to 21, 11.30 am
- Mass Test Interview Schedule Date and Time: Date: 2081/01/16-21, 12.30 p.m
Notice no. 153/080-81, dated 2080/12/30