Class 12 Result Published - How to Check NEB Class 12 Result

Result 30 Aug 2022 14780

Check NEB Result 2076 Class 12

The National Examination Board (NEB) published the result of class 12. The results have been published after the decision of the NEB board meeting.

The National Examination Board Examination Control Office (Class 12) has announced the results of Class 12. 4 lakh 10 thousand 50 students participated in the examination conducted from 16th Jestha to 25th Jestha 2079. The examination was conducted in 1 thousand 292 examination centers across the country.

According to Chief Aryal, 3,63,880 students have passed the regular exam, 30,045 students of grade increment and 3,132 students have passed the partial exam.

Likewise, the examination of 43 candidates has been canceled. He informed that the exams of 38 candidates for regular exams have been cancelled, three for grade enhancement and two for partial exams.

According to Durga Prasad Aryal, member secretary of the board, the results have been published according to the grading system 2078. NG (non-grading) will be mentioned in the grade sheet if at least 35% marks are not scored in the theoretical side of each subject. This is the first time that this arrangement has been implemented by the board. Those mentioned as NG will not get admission in higher education. In case of NG in only two subjects, the grade increase exam can be given.

The results can be viewed / Check on the websites of the National Examination Board (NEB) and Nepal Telecom, said the Chairman of the National Examination Board.

How to Check Grade 12 Result 2079?

It’s easy to check NEB Class 12 results from Mobile SMS, website, and IVR service. Students can view grade 12 results with mark sheet / Gradesheet via the official website (Web portal) of the National Examinations Board (NEB) [], NTC, and the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MST). 

This time, the office will publish the results according to the letter grading guidelines, 2078. According to this, a minimum of 40 marks should be obtained in the practical examination and a minimum of 35 marks should be obtained in any theoretical subject. If the marks are less than the specified marks, NG (Non-Graded) will be written. It has been arranged that the certificate written NG cannot study in the upper class.

Check Grade 12 Results 2079 via SMS:

Nepal Telecom: 

Type NEB Symbol No. and Send it to 1600

NEB Symbol No. and send to 1600

Listen to Class 12 Results on Notice Board (IVR): 

Dail 1601 and follow the instructions. 

Check Grade 12 Results 2078/2079 with Marksheet via Websites

Visit the official NEB Results website:

Type your symbol number (Example: 0010001Q or 0010001)) and Date of Birth (eg. 2056/01/30) in the input box above and click submit Your result will appear on the screen.

Check Grade 12 Result 2022 /2079 Via Nepal Telecom Website:

- Nepal Telecom website:

GPA No. of students
3.61 to 4.0 4,179
3.21 to 3.60 30,107
2.81 to 3.20 65,284
2.41 to 2.80 64,093
2.10 to 2.40 10,900
1.61 to 2.0 35
1.21 to 1.60 0
Non-Graded 188,410
TOTAL 363,008

Grading System for Class 12:

Percentage (%) Grade Description Grade Point
90 to 100 A+ Outstanding 4.0
80 to below 90 A Excellent 3.6
70 to below 80 B+ Very Good 3.2
60 to below 70 B Good 2.8
50 to below 60 C+ Satisfactory 2.4
40 to below 50 C Acceptable 2.0
35 and above D Basic 1.6
Below 35 Non-graded Unclassified

NEB Result NEB Class 12

NEB - National Examinations Board

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 1990



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