Civil Aviation Academy of Nepal Basic Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Course (ARFF-013) Result

Result 21 Dec 2022 2971

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Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, Civil Aviation Academy of Nepal, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur notification regarding the publication of trainee selection results

Civil Aviation Academy of Nepal Advertisement No. 1-5/078-79, Basic Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Course (ARFF-013) 25 (twenty-five) candidates selected for interview from the written test conducted by the Public Service Commission for trainee demand post number 16 (sixteen) Date 2079-09 Based on the scores of the 25 (twenty-five) candidates present in the interview conducted from 01 to 2079-09-04, based on the score of the physical fitness test, the score of the written test and the average score of the interview, the following merit order has been established; This notification has been published for the information of all concerned as it was decided on date 2079-09-05 by the Examination Steering Committee to select the trainees as follows.

Within 15 days (2079-09-20) from the date of publication of this notification, the selected trainees must undergo a physical and mental health examination from the Civil Aviation Medical Assessor (CAMA) for the Basic ARFF Course at their own expense by the Civil Aviation Health Examiner/Supervisor appointed by the Civil Aviation Authority. Fit recommendation should be submitted. Forms related to health examination will be provided by the ARF faculty of this institute.

The successful trainees are informed through this notice that the training will be conducted at this Academy premises Sanothimi Bhaktapur on Sunday 24th Poush 2079 from 10:00 am.

This notice can also be viewed on the website of the Nepal Civil Aviation Authority head office and the website of this institution

Date: 2079-09-06


Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

Babarmahal, Kathmandu

Estd. 1998


+977-1-426 2326

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