CDSC Final Result and Recommendation Notice 2081
CDS and Clearing Limited (CDSC), Putalisadak, Kathmandu: This notice is published to inform all concerned that, based on the results of the written examination conducted by the Public Service Commission for filling the vacant posts in CDSC through open, internal competition, and inclusive competitive examination under the following advertisement numbers, services, and levels, candidates were selected for interviews. Based on the merit order prepared from the average score of the written examination and interview, the following candidates have been recommended for permanent appointment:
(1) Advertisement No. 7/2081-82 (Women), CDSC Service, General Group, Level Eight, Assistant Manager
Number of Vacancies: 1 (One)
(2) Advertisement No. 8/2081-82 (Internal Competition), CDSC Service, Technical Group
Number of Vacancies: 1 (One)
(3) Advertisement No. 10/2081-82 (Women), CDSC Service, General Group, Accounts Sub-group, Level Six
Number of Vacancies: 1 (One)
(4) Advertisement No. 11/2081-82 (Madhesi), CDSC Service, Technical Group, Level Six, IT Officer
Number of Vacancies: 1 (One)
(5) Advertisement No. 12-13/2081-82 (Open and Dalit), CDSC Service, Technical Group, Level Five, Senior Computer Operator
Number of Vacancies: 2 (Two) (Open - 1 and Dalit - 1)