BE B.Arch Entrance Exam Result 2079 Published by IOE

Result 11 Nov 2022 12096

Institute of Engineering IOE Building

Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering (TU IOE) published the Entrance Examination results of BE/B.Arch. The BE/B.Arch entrance examinations were held from Kartik 16th to Kartik 23rd, 2079 via computer mode. 

Institute of Engineering (IOE) Entrance Examination Board published the results of the entrance examination on 24th Kartik 2079 for the candidates who have passed the admission list of constituent campuses and affiliated colleges under Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering (TUIOE) Publication and admission process Institute of Engineering (IOE) centralized admission It will be as published by the monitoring committee. All related information can be viewed at after the date 2079-08-20.

For admission, from among those whose names have been published in the merit list published by the Institute of Engineering (IOE) Entrance Examination Board, Institute of Engineering (IOE), according to the admission program published by the Centralized Admission Monitoring Committee, the respective campuses. The list of admissions should be published according to the order of merit. Applicants whose names have been published for admission to the architecture program may take the Aptitude Test at the respective campuses and colleges.

Candidates in Withheld must have their photo ID (eg ISc/10-2, Engineering Diploma Admit Card, Citizenship Certificate, Driving License or Passport) along with Class 12 Complete Transcript or Class 11 and Class 12 It is requested to bring the completed certificate to Information and Communication Technology Center and remove your name from Withheld within 2079-08-15. Otherwise, you are informed that you will not be admitted to any campus/college.

Admission Notice for Foreign Candidates

All the foreign students who have successfully passed the IOE Entrance Examination 2079 are kindly requested to contact the Constituent Campuses (Pulchowk Campus, Thapathali Campus, Purwanchal Campus, Pashchimanchal Campus, and Chitwan engineering Campus) for their respective admission procedures after 6" December 2022. All successful foreign candidates must follow the Constituent Campuses admission procedures. IOE Entrance Examination Board will not be responsible if these candidates failed to meet the admission procedures of respective Constituent Campuses.

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Entrance Result