Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) Final Result of 8th and 9th Level Admin Officer

Result 29 Nov 2022 2236

Agricultural Development Bank Limited Building

Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) Final Result of 8th and 9th Level Admin Officer: Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL), Human Resources Management Department, Head Office, Kathmandu Notice regarding the publication of the final result of the open and inclusive competitive examination

Candidates who have succeeded in the open and inclusive competitive written examination conducted by the Public Service Commission for the following level, position, and a number of posts from the following advertisement of Krishi Bikas Bank Limited and the candidates who participated in the interview, based on the total scores of the written test and the interview, for appointment as per the decision of the Recruitment Committee dated 2079/08/12 is recommended. This notice has been published on the ADBL website on Monday 2079/08/1212 for the information of all concerned.


Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL)

Ramshahapath, Kathmandu

Estd. 1968


