Conservation and Promotion of Ancient Virat Raja Durbar Museum: A Historical Heritage in Koshi Province
The ancient Virat Raja Durbar, located in Bhediari, Ward No. 18, Biratnagar Metropolitan City, is considered a historical heritage site in the Koshi province. The Nepali Army has established it as a museum, prioritizing the conservation, promotion, and preservation of the historical site.
Opening of Virat Raja Durbar Museum
The Nepali Army has built the Virat Raja Durbar Museum covering the area of the historical site, and it was recently opened to the public. The Eastern Chief of the Army, Dr. Ash Bahadur Tamang, inaugurated the museum and handed it over to the Biratnagar Metropolitan City. The keys of the museum building were handed over to the Metropolitan Municipality Chief and Deputy Chief by the Senior Vice President Tamang and Assistant Vice President Mahesh Kumar Thapa of No. 2 Bahini Adda.
Preservation of Historical Heritage
The Nepalese army has played a significant role in the preservation of the ancient and historical heritage of the province. The construction of the ancient Birat Raja Darbar Sangrahalaya Bhavan was handed over by the Bhairav Dal Gana of the army to preserve, enhance and revive the historical heritage. The museum building was constructed at a cost of 19 lakh 75 thousand under the Nepali Army's Quick Impact Project.
The Significance of Virat Raja Durbar
According to popular belief, during the Mahabharata period, the five Pandavas Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva and their wife Draupati changed their names and hid in the palace of King Virat. It is believed that this place was the capital of Bhediari king Virat and was known as the country of fish. During the excavation in this place by the Archeology Department of the Government of Nepal in the year 2027 BS, it was discovered that this area was the royal palace of the kingdom of Virat during the ancient Mahabharata period.
Importance of the Museum
The Virat Raja Durbar Museum will not only help in the protection, promotion, and development of this area, but it will also promote tourism in the Koshi Province. During the program, the head of the metropolitan city praised the Nepalese army for their role in the preservation campaign and stated that the Metropolitan Municipality has a special plan for the development and expansion of the museum.
Published on 13th March 2023
Koshi Pradesh