Updated List of Insurance Companies in Nepal as of January 2024

News 15 Jan 2024 6870

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Updated List of Insurance Companies in Nepal as of January 2024

In a bid to provide clear, accurate, and latest information about the insurance sector in Nepal, we have compiled the updated list of insurance companies licensed by the Nepal Insurance Authority, Kupandol Lalitpur, as of 14th January 2024. This update aligns with Section 35 of the Insurance Act 2079 and caters to the information needs of various stakeholders in the insurance sector.

Life Insurance Companies in Nepal

  1. Rastriya Jeevan Beema Company Limited: Ramshah Path, Kathmandu.
  2. National Life Insurance Company Limited:  Lazimpat, Kathmandu.
  3. Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited: Kamaladi, Kathmandu.
  4. Met Life (Alico): Situated in Pulchwok, Lalitpur.
  5. Life Insurance Corporation (Nepal) Limited: Putalisadak, Kathmandu.
  6. Asian Life Insurance Company Limited: Maitidevi, Kathmandu.
  7. Suryajyoti Life Insurance Company Limited: Gyaneshwar, Kathmandu.
  8. Himalayan Life Insurance Limited: Hattisar, Kathmandu.
  9. IME Life Insurance Company Limited: Lainchaur, Kathmandu.
  10. Sun Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited: Putalisadak, Kathmandu.
  11. Reliable Nepal Life Insurance Limited: Gyaneshwar, Kathmandu.
  12. Sanima Reliance Life Insurance Limited: New Baneshwar, Kathmandu.
  13. Citizen Life Insurance Company Limited: Thapathali, Kathmandu.
  14. Prabhu Mahalaxmi Life Insurance Company Limited: Kamaladi, Kathmandu.

Non-Life Insurance Companies in Nepal

  1. Nepal Insurance Company Limited: Kamaladi, Kathmandu.
  2. The Oriental Insurance Company Limited: Dillibazar, Kathmandu.
  3. National Insurance Company Limited: Thapathali, Kathmandu.
  4. Himalayan Abhreshtha Insurance Limited: Babar Mahal, Kathmandu.
  5. United Azod Insurance Company Limited: Sundhara, Kathmandu.
  6. Siddharth Premier Insurance Limited: Babar Mahal, Kathmandu.
  7. Neco Insurance Limited: Gyaneshwar, Kathmandu.
  8. Prabhu Insurance Limited: Tinkune, Kathmandu.
  9. Sagarmatha Lumbini Insurance Company Limited: Naxal, Kathmandu.
  10. IGI Prudential Insurance Limited: Naxal, Kathmandu.
  11. Shikhar Insurance Company Limited: Thapathali, Kathmandu.
  12. NLG Insurance Company Limited: Panipokhari, Kathmandu.
  13. Rastriya Beema Company Limited: Ramshah Path, Kathmandu.
  14. Sanima GIC Insurance Limited: Tangal, Kathmandu.

Reinsurance Companies in Nepal

  1. Nepal Reinsurance Company Limited: Thapathali, Kathmandu.
  2. Himalayan Re Insurance Company Limited: Maharajgunj, Kathmandu.

Microinsurance Companies in Nepal

  1. Nepal Micro Insurance Company Limited: Bharatpur, Chitwan.
  2. Guardian Micro Life Insurance Limited: Biratnagar, Morang.
  3. Protective Micro Insurance Limited: Dhangadhi, Kailali.
  4. Crest Micro Life Insurance Limited: Birendranagar, Surkhet.
  5. Liberty Micro Life Insurance Company Limited: Pokhara, Kaski.
  6. Star Micro Insurance Company Limited: Janakpur, Dhanusha.
  7. Trust Micro Insurance Limited: Butwal, Rupandehi.

This comprehensive list provides a clear and concise overview of the various insurance options available in Nepal, catering to a wide range of insurance needs, from life and non-life to reinsurance and microinsurance sectors.

Notice Issued By: Law and Regulation Division Nepal Insurance Authority

Date of Publication: 15th January 2024 (2080/10/01)


Nepal Insurance Authority

Kupandole, Lalitpur

Estd. 1992


