Tribhuvan University, Office of the Controller of Examinations, Coordination Division notice is hereby given to all teachers of all subjects and staff of all services, groups, and levels under various institutes, faculties, constituent campuses, departments, and other offices of Tribhuvan University who have taken and utilized study leave for higher education but have not yet submitted their completion certificates, to submit their completion certificates to the Tribhuvan University Coordination Division within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice, as per the decision of TU Human Resource Development and Welfare Committee dated 2081/09/28. Certificates can also be sent via email to [email protected].
Otherwise, be informed that action will be taken as per Tribhuvan University (TU) rules. Additionally, as there have been widespread written and verbal complaints that teachers and staff during their study leave period were involved in various government, non-government, or private organizations or engaged in other businesses without Tribhuvan University's approval, a public notice is hereby issued inviting written complaints with evidence within 15 days regarding concerned teachers/staff if there are any grievances in this matter.