Rastriya ParichayaPatra Bibhag Notice for National Identity Card and Registration

News 18 Jan 2022 41626

Rastriya ParichayaPatra Bibhag Notice for National Identity Card and Registration

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of National ID and Civil Registration notice National Identity Card and Registration 

For the national identity card, live enrollment is being done online from all 77 district administration offices and 19 area administration offices of the country. A campaign to collect details of national identity cards from Vadastar has been completed in 25 districts and a data collection campaign is also underway in 13 districts. By end of Poush 2078, the collection of personal and biological details of 54,25,000 citizens has been completed.

Since the National Identity Card Number (NN) has been made mandatory in the preparation of electronic passports from 1st Manshir 2078 and the process of collecting the details of the citizen on the basis of it has been managed through National Identity Information System. You are requested to enter the details and get the National Identification Number.

If the dignitaries who have come to Kathmandu from outside the district for e-passport are inconvenienced to go to their district, it is requested that the information published by the department be amended for the time being.

Rastriya Parichayapatra and Panjikaran Bibhag

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 2018


