Public and Private Educational Institutions Should Resolve to Produce Efficient Manpower - Education Minister

News 07 Mar 2022 1247

Devendra Poudel

Minister for Education, Science, and Technology Devendra Poudel has said that public and private educational institutions should resolve to produce efficient manpower.

Speaking at the 7th General Convention of National Private and Boarding Schools' Association Nepal (N-PABSON) in Nepalgunj, he said that public and private educational institutions should resolve to produce skilled manpower.

The private educational institution, which bears 30 percent of the state's expenses, said that students should be taught culture and culture and expressed concern over the disappearance of culture and culture in the current situation.

He said that the deteriorating culture could be brought back in rhythm if the productive manpower could be disciplined by organizing education. Stating that the ministry will not discriminate against any education, he also insisted on being education-friendly in the drafting act.
