Proposed Nepal University Expected to Revolutionize Higher Education Reform: Experts Claim

News 30 Mar 2023 532

Proposed Nepal University Disscussion

Experts Claim Establishment of Nepal University will be Fruitful for Higher Education Reform

In an interaction held in Kathmandu, experts have pointed out the importance of the proposed Nepal University in reforming higher education and producing competitive manpower. Here are some key points discussed by the experts:

Importance of Nepal University for Producing Competitive Manpower

Dr. Arjun Karki, Chairman of Nepal University Infrastructure Preparation and Development Committee, emphasized the importance of Nepal University in producing competitive manpower in the world market by strengthening the foundation of higher education in Nepal. He believes that the current education system only provides knowledge on specific subjects, and the proposed Nepal University will produce expert manpower with critical thinking skills that can help in the development and solving problems of the nation.

Need for a New Independent University

Dr. Suryaraj Acharya, a public policy and infrastructure expert, believes that a new university is necessary as higher education alone cannot be improved by the current university reforms. According to him, an independent university is necessary as academics will die if the government regulates universities. Dr. Acharya clarified that the sole purpose of Nepal University is to produce competitive manpower in the global market.

Improvement of Higher Education and Skilled Manpower Production

Professor Dr. Purnakant Adhikari believes that instead of just increasing the number of universities, the purpose of establishing Nepal University is to improve higher education and produce competitive and skilled manpower. He believes that multi-modal education will be necessary in the future and Nepal University will produce expert manpower with critical thinking skills.

Incorporation of Cultural Subjects in Education

Dr. Adhikari also believes that Nepal's education system does not give much importance to subjects like language, religion, geography, culture, literature, and music. He believes that not teaching such subjects in a country with a diverse population has affected the development and originality of the nation.

Different Governance Structure for Nepal University

Tika Bhattarai, an education engineer, clarified that the proposed Nepal University will have a different governance structure and working style than the current university. He believes that the university should incorporate Nepali values, culture, and style, and operate autonomously under a Board of Trustees trusted by the Nepalese government.

Overall, the establishment of Nepal University will be a game-changer for higher education in Nepal, producing skilled manpower and critical thinkers that can contribute to the development of the nation. It will also incorporate cultural subjects and operate under a different governance structure to improve the quality of education in Nepal.

Published on 30th March 2023
