Prithvi Narayan Campus Nepali Department has welcomed the new students and farewell retired Surya Khadka Bikharchi.
Upendra Poudel, Chief Guest Assistant Campus Chief of the program, paid tribute to the retired Bikarchi.
Also, the Chief Guest welcomed the new students of the first semester of Post-Graduate Nepali Students with Avir, Khada, Educational Materials, and Textbook.
Honorable Bikharchi said that the time will reflect the kind of knowledge that the students have acquired from their teaching period, adding that the campus has a significant role in making them creative for their teaching and writing activities.
Speaking at the program, Pro. Dr. Kusumakar Neupane, Deputy Professor Shobhakant Gautam, Newcomer first-semester Ram Bahadur Mal, second-semester Milan Nepali, and fourth-Semester Mamata Acharya also spoke.