Pradesh 1 Lok Sewa Aayog Cancelled Answer Sheet of Examinee

News 24 Mar 2022 2147

Pradesh 1 Lok Sewa Aayog Notices

Province Public Service Commission, Province 1, Advertisement No. 37-38 / 2078/79 of Biratnagar, Miscellaneous Services, Assistant Level IV, Assistant Women Development Inspector post; In the examination dated 2078-12-05, roll no. Mr. Binam Chapagain of 4952, was found to have committed irregularities in the examination without following the minimum criteria to be followed while participating in the examination of the Commission;

Pursuant to Sub-section 4 of Section 47 of the Provincial Public Service Commission Act 2076, by canceling the answer book of the said post on that day and barring him from appearing as a candidate in any examination taken by the Commission for the next 1 (one) year from the meeting of the Commission dated 2078-12 (07). This information has been published for the information of all concerned.

Biratnagar Koshi Pradesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Notice