Nick Simons Award 2081: Submit Your Recommendation

News 25 Nov 2024 561

Nick Simons Institute (NSI)

Notification for Submitting Details for "Nick Simons Award" Selection

Health workers who have been serving in rural health institutions for a minimum of 5 years are requested to submit their details for the selection of the Nick Simons Award. As per the provided format, the required details must be submitted by 18th Magh 2081.

Required Format for Submission

Personal Information of Health Worker
  • Name:

  • Designation & Level:

  • Address:

  • Contact Number:

  • Email (Mandatory):

  • PAN:

Organizational Information
  • Name of the Organization:

  • Number of Years Working at Current Organization:

  • Date of Job Started:

  • Name of the Organization Head:

  • Contact Number:

  • Name of the Head of Health Office:

  • Contact Number:

  • Name of the Local Health Coordinator:

  • Contact Number:

Key Achievements to Be Mentioned in the Recommendation:
  1. Efforts made to improve the quality of service.

  2. Contributions towards infrastructure development of the organization.

  3. Social contributions and collaboration with stakeholders for development.

  4. Efforts to support community health services.

  5. Actions taken to improve overall health services.

Guidelines for Submitting Recommendations

  • Attach a recently taken photograph.

  • The recommendation must be typed in Word on A4-size paper with a 1-inch margin on all sides and single-line spacing. If handwritten, it must be legible.

  • A maximum of 4 photographs can be attached with the recommendation, and all photographs must include captions.

  • An official letter from the organization must be included with the recommendation.

Submission Details

The recommendation must be sent by 18th Magh 2081 to the following email addresses:

Alternatively, the online form can be filled and submitted directly at: under the NS Award Nomination section.

Nick Simons Award 2081 Submit Your Recommendation
