Nepal Teachers' Association Requested for Immediate Appointment of TSC Officials

News 23 Mar 2021 2507

Nepal Teachers Association Requested for Quick Appointment of TSC Officials

Nepal Teachers' Association Requested for Immediate Appointment of TSC Officials:

The Federal Working Committee of the Nepal Teachers Association has drawn serious attention to the long delay and irresponsibility in appointing the officials of the Teachers Service Commission through the examination of the Public Service Commission to fill the vacancies of the Teachers Service Commission under the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.

“We strongly condemn the negligent action of the government towards quality education, expressing regret over the non-appointment and delay of the recommended officers who have fulfilled all the criteria of the Public Service Commission in the context of thousands of vacancies and obstruction of promotion of thousands of teachers.”

Therefore, “we strongly demand to make the work of the Teachers Service Commission smooth and regular by appointing the officials of the recommendation committee where the process has been completed.”
