Nepal Govt Policies and Programs For the Fiscal Year 2079 / 80 BS (2022-23)

News 25 May 2022 4134

Nepal Govt Policies and Programs For the Fiscal Year 2079 -80

President Vidyadevi Bhandari has said that every worker will be included in the social security fund. Addressing a joint sitting of the parliament on Tuesday, President Bhandari said that this year's policies and programs have fully embraced the aspirations of a prosperous Nepal.

Similarly, additional benefits will be gained from carbon trading; A policy of maintaining the balance between development and the environment will be adopted. It is mentioned in the policy and program of the Fiscal Year 2079/80 that commercial production will be done by conserving valuable herbs and self-reliance will be made in forest production by sustainable management of the forest.

Similarly, the import of forest products including timber will be discouraged. Integrated protection and development of the Chure area will be done. Koshi, Gandaki, and Mahakali reservoirs will be protected and managed. The river system will be strengthened and the participation of women at the basic level of the state will be given priority.

Aerial rescue of pregnant and maternity women:

The air rescue of pregnant and maternity women in remote areas will be made more systematic, senior citizens and persons with disabilities will be protected, and the Presidential Women's Upliftment Program will be made more effective. The Child Rehabilitation Center will be made more systematic by making the child justice system effective.

Through the film, Nepal's art, culture and geographical diversity, and beauty will be promoted internationally. Nepal will be promoted to be an attractive standard for shooting foreign films. Registration of organizations will be regulated and implemented in accordance with federal law.

Teacher Recruitment Review:

The Presidential Educational Reform Program will be revised. Teacher posts in community schools will be reviewed so that there is no shortage of science, mathematics, and technical teachers.

The model school will be brought into operation next year. The lunch program will be implemented up to class 8. The program will be further expanded by earning while studying. The University curriculum will be made research-oriented. Health workers will be mobilized in community schools. The program will be further expanded by teaching education to SIP and SIP to labor, labor to employment and employment to production, and product to market.

Similarly, health care providers will be provided in health institutions. Education will be provided to the families of martyrs, missing persons and conflict victims. Ensuring access to basic health education and nutrition for all while ensuring the rights of children. It is mentioned in the government's program that a medical college will be run in Dadeldhura and two medical colleges will be established in each state.

Similarly, fraud in foreign employment will be controlled. A policy workshop experiment will be established in the National Planning Commission. Nepal Living Standards Measurement Survey will be conducted next year. The existing bodies will be merged or restructured with priority on the basis of progress and needs of the federal administration. Immigration and border security will be made technology-friendly, modern, and well equipped.

The prison will be turned into a correctional facility. Health workers will be mobilized to manage the disaster. The Citizenship Bill under consideration in the Parliament will be finalized soon on the basis of consensus. Free legal aid service will be facilitated.

Necessary arrangements will be made to bring the peace process to an end. Effective measures will be taken to control corruption. An electronic health information system will be implemented in all hospitals to manage the health records of every citizen.

An integrated election law will be formulated. The National Vigilance Center will be made effective. Arrangements will be made for mandatory audits of deaths in the hospital during medical treatment.

Similarly, independent and balanced foreign policy will be pursued. Relations with friendly countries will be deepened by keeping national interest at the center. Nepal's presence in the multilateral and regional fora will be made meaningful.

Nepal's presence will be strengthened to maintain peace and security at the call of the United Nations. Border issues will be addressed through diplomacy.

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