N-PABSON Affiliated Schools have to Deposit 0.5 Pc Income in Reserve Fund

News 24 Mar 2021 2174


N-PABSON Affiliated Schools have to Deposit 0.5 Pc Income in Reserve Fund

Schools affiliated with the National Private & Boarding Schools' Association Nepal (National PABSON) are now required to deposit 0.5 percent of their total monthly income in the reserve fund.

National PABSON has instructed the affiliated schools to create a separate reserve fund and deposit at least 0.5 percent of the total monthly income to manage emergencies and inconveniences.

As per the decision taken by the left side meeting of the Central Committee held in Mahendranagar of Kanchanpur on 2077 Chaitra 4 and 5, the affiliated schools have been given instructions.

Speaking at a press conference, National PABSON said that the Central Committee would assist the school in the situation arising due to Corona.

Chairman Rituraj Sapkota said that the center will help the school to effectively manage and operate the teaching and learning activities through various means.
