MoEST Notice Regarding Subject-wise Teacher Management in 753 Local Level

News 15 Jul 2021 24287

MoEST Notice Regarding Subject-wise Teacher Management in 753 Local Level

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Education and Human Resource Development Center, Educational Planning and Development Division, Teacher Management Coordination Branch, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur notice regarding Subjectwise teacher management in all Education Development and Coordination Unit.

Teacher Darbandi Milan Teacher Posting (Matching and Management) Procedure, 2076 is being done. Rule 92 of the Education Regulations 2059, if the vacancies are cut from one school and additional grants or relief grants are added to another community school, or if for some reason the basic level grades 6 to 8 and the secondary level teacher Darbandi are vacant. As per the decision dated 2078-03-30, it is requested that the thematic priority order as mentioned in Schedule 12 of the Act be complied with and the teachers be managed.

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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