Ministry of Health and Population Officially Launched Website and App for COVID-19:
The Ministry of Health and Population has launched the website, and the Hamro Swasthya mobile app, which is designed to manage and control the prevention work of Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Health Minister Bhanubhakta Dhakal launched the website and app on Sunday. The ministry also said that the Viber community has also used the Viber community to make it easier for everyone to get information about Kovid-19 along with the app.
Along with the inauguration, Minister Dhakal said that such arrangements have been made to provide accurate information and information about Corona as well as the status and details of the health services available to fight the coronavirus. She urged the government not to act too high on Corona as it was acting on high alert. He also requested everyone to benefit from using the new website, mobile app and the Viber community.
The Ministry has designed a web application in coordination with Progressive Engineering Association Nepal, Maps, Thought Nepal, Code for Core Innovation, IT Maps, with the purpose of sharing all information with immediate knowledge of the coronavirus spreading worldwide.
Instantly download and view the app on mobile from It can be linked to the Viber community by visiting MoHP NEPAL COVID-19. The website will contain information about the location and condition of Hub Hospital, Covid-19 targeted hospital and Quarantine. Similarly, information about isolation beds will be visible to anyone from anywhere. It can even assess the symptoms of Corona itself, and the results of the evaluation can be seen immediately.