Ministry of Education Notices 2080 Bhadra 16

News 02 Sep 2023 1588

Ministry of Education

Government of Nepal's Initiative to Strengthen School Education System

The Government of Nepal, specifically the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, through the Center for Education and Human Resource Development (CEHRD), has initiated a comprehensive approach to enhance the school education system. This initiative is aimed at making school education more participatory, transparent, and accountable.

Key Highlights of the School Social Testing Standards Implementation:

  • School Social Examination Committee: Schools are to organize the social examination under the guidance of the committee as per Rule 171 (a) of the Education Regulations 2059 (with amendments).

  • Local Level Participation: The coordinator or representative of the local social/educational committee should actively participate in the preparation, discussion, and decision-making processes of the social examination.

  • Evaluation and Reporting: After assessing the financial, physical, educational, and managerial aspects of schools, the committee will present its findings to all relevant stakeholders.

  • Use of Integrated Systems: The technical sub-committee will utilize the School Report Card from the Integrated Educational Management Information System (IEMIS) for report preparation.

  • Digital Updates: Schools are mandated to update the social examination date in the Excel file and upload it on the official webpage

  • Submission of Reports: Schools are to forward their committee-prepared reports to the local education department, division, or branch.

  • Review and Monitoring: If there's a need for further clarity on a school's score, on-site inspections, monitoring, or discussions will be conducted to review the score.

  • Transparency in Results: The local level will publicly display the overall results of schools, ranking them from the highest to the lowest score after the review.

  • Communication with CEHRD: A summarized report of the results will be sent from the local level to the Education Development and Coordination Unit, which will then forward it to the Center for Education and Human Resource Development.

  • Incentive Grants: Schools that achieve the highest scores as per the School Social Test Standards 2078 and fall within the Program Implementation Manual 2080-2081 guidelines will be eligible for performance-based incentive grants.

  • Recognition and Publication: The local level will publish a list of schools that have successfully passed the social test, highlighting those that have excelled in academic, managerial reform, and good governance, along with their respective scores.

By implementing these standards, the Government of Nepal aims to foster a culture of excellence, transparency, and accountability in the education sector, ensuring that every student receives a quality education.


Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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