Medical Education Commission Asks Dropouts to Pay Penalties

News 08 Mar 2025 233

Medical Education Commission MEC Nepal

The Medical Education Commission has issued a notice urging students to pay penalties and fines. This request is specifically directed at 66 students who were enrolled in free scholarship seats but abandoned their studies midway.

The Commission has requested that the concerned students contact them and deposit the specified penalties and fines into the government's revenue fund.

"It is hereby informed to all concerned that penalties and fines have been determined in accordance with the Scholarship Act, 2021 for a total of 66 students who were enrolled through the integrated 'A' entrance examination process conducted by the Commission for free scholarship seats but left their studies midway. The concerned students are requested to contact the Commission and deposit the said penalties and fines in the government's revenue fund," states the notice issued by the Commission.

The Commission has stated that only students who pay these specified penalties and fines will be allowed to participate in the matching process conducted by the Commission.

Medical Education Commission

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2019


