Securities Board of Nepal Policy, Research, and Training Department, Khumaltar, Lalitpur
Manuscript Submission Notice for SEBON Journal Volume XI
SEBON Journal is a double-blind peer reviewed journal published by Securities Board of Nepal(SEBON). The journal focuses on securities markets, commodity derivatives markets, financial economics and monetary economics. The Policy, Research and Training Department of SEBON invites scholars, academicians, researchers and practitioner to submit manuscript for the Volume XI of the SEBON Journal on focused areas.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
1. The manuscript submitted to SEBON Journal should not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
2. The length of the manuscript should be between 4000-8000 words, excluding references.
3. The deadline to submit the manuscript before 13th June 2024.
4. The manuscript should be submitted in word file, using the font "Times New Roman" size '12' with line spacing 1.5, margin 1.25 inch in left side and 1 inch in all other sides.
5. Each manuscript should include abstract with not more than 300 words, maximum ten keywords and JEL classification of the manuscript areas.
6. The table and figure should be presented in separate page; the table should have short description presented above the table.
7. Table and Figure should be numbered in Roman letter (i.e. I, II, III ... and so on)
8. As all manuscripts are subject to double-blind peer review process. Researchers are requested to re-check and remove the name and identifiable document, if presented in the manuscript, before sending it to the journal.
9. A separate page should be provided with the author/s information and their respective institutional affiliation with full detail, corresponding email and phone number of all author/s. Author/s can include acknowledgment and information on the grant received for the research related to the manuscript.
10. Manuscripts should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition for referencing.
11. The editorial board reserves the complete right about accepting and rejecting the manuscript.
12. The manuscript should be submitted electronically via email in following address [email protected]
For more details, please contact;
Phone: +977-1-5541057/01-5551162/01-5544077/01-5550511
SEBON Notice