Mangal Prasad Women's College Establishes in Nepalgunj

News 23 Apr 2022 2952

Mangal Prasad Womens College Established in Nepalgunj

Mangal Prasad Women's College has been established in Nepalgunj targeting Madhesi and Muslim students. Vice-Chancellor of Eastern University Prof. Dr. Yadav Raj Koirala inaugurated the Mangal Prasad Women's College constructed by Nepalgunj Sub-Metropolis on Wednesday.

Inaugurating the college, Dr. Koirala said that Eastern University has given priority not only to the private sector but also to the community-level colleges.

Inaugurating the Mangal Prasad Women's College in Nepalgunj, Vice-Chancellor Koirala said, "The project of running a women's college in Nepalgunj is important in itself."

Chief of Nepalgunj Sub-Metropolis, Dr. Dhawal Shamsher Rana, said that there was a need for girls' schools and colleges in Nepalgunj due to the large population of Madhesi and Muslim communities.

"The girls' school in Salyanibagh is running very well," said Rana - "We have formed an autonomous steering committee so that there is no interference from anyone." Until the college becomes self-sufficient, it will receive all the support it needs from the city. "

Chief of the college Rabindra Karna informed that the sub-metropolis has constructed a 40-room building at a cost of around Rs. 80 million. There is a 14-room dormitory with a computer lab. Although targeted at Madhesi and Muslim students, women from all communities will study in the college. The college has started the process of affiliation with Eastern University for conducting BBA and BBS in the Faculty of Management, 5-year BALLB in the Faculty of Law, 4-year B.Ed. in the Faculty of Education, and 4-year BCA and BIT in the Faculty of Science.

Deputy Chief Uma Thapa Magar informed that the Nepalgunj Sub-Metropolitan Municipality has formed an expert team and conducted a detailed study for two years.
