List of Schools Selected for School Earthquake Safety Program for FY 2077-078

News 18 Jun 2021 16276

List of Schools Selected for School Earthquake Safety Program for FY 2077-078

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Center for Education and Human Resource Development, (School Education Standards Determination Branch) notice Regarding the School Earthquake Safety Program of the current fiscal year 2077/078.

In the current Fiscal Year, 2077/078, the school sector development plan (SSDP) for the School Earthquake Safety Program has been financially transferred from the central level and the budget has been approved at the local level of the attached list and LMBIS entry of the concerned local level has also been approved.

The local levels involved in the school building seismic safety program as per the program implementation booklet 077/078 from the budget transferred to the school and the design prepared by the center Drawomg and cost estimate according to the school building annealing work 2078-03. 04 There is a request to be sent as per the decision.
