Kathmandu Metropolitan City Appoints Facilitators to Improve SEE Results

News 14 Feb 2023 566

Kathmandu Metropolitan City Notice

Kathmandu Metropolitan Municipality (KMC) has appointed a total of 43 people as teaching facilitators and assistants to improve the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) results of students studying in public schools within its area. KMC appointed 18 subject teaching facilitators for five compulsory subjects and sent them to schools. Additionally, 25 people have been mobilized as teaching assistants. KMC publicly requested advertisements on 4th January for these positions. Although KMC required 25 facilitators, only 18 were qualified according to the demand and appointed after completing the process.

KMC appointed experienced expert facilitators for five compulsory subjects in 59 secondary schools run by KMC to support the learning of students participating in SEE this year. University professors, M.A. teachers or experts in related subjects who have mandatory leave from official level or people with at least 10 years of experience working in various organizations were appointed as teaching facilitators. KMC will provide a monthly salary of 37,500 for two months to the appointed teaching facilitators.

Teaching assistants must have a bachelor's degree in a related subject and have at least two years of teaching experience. KMC fixed the salary for assistants at 15,000. Currently, 89 community schools, including 30 primary schools and 59 secondary schools, are operated by KMC, with a total of 52,000 students. Moreover, 150,000 students are studying in 540 private schools. This year, 4,000 students from public schools of KMC are going to participate in the SEE examination.

KMC has started this program for the first time, and it is expected to expand it further next year. Although the SEE results in public schools are not good as compared to private schools, KMC has tried to improve the results by appointing teaching facilitators and assistants for compulsory subjects. The SEE examination will be conducted from 17th Chaitra 2079.


Kathmandu Metropolitan City

Bagdurbar, Kathmandu



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