Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta IPO Result Published - How to Check

News 07 Jul 2021 158799

Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta IPO Result

Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (JBLBSL) has been published IPO Result on 7th July 2021 Wednesday. The Sales Manager NMB Capital completed the pre-allotment on Monday and sent it to the regulatory body Nepal Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) for approval. 

NMB Capital has informed that SEBON will distribute IPO within this year as per the instructions. NMB Capital says that even though all the preparations for the final distribution have been completed.

JBLBSL has sold 1.848 million units of shares through public issues from June 25 to June 29. 1 lakh 84 thousand 801 people will get this share at the rate of 10 units while the remaining 5 units will be distributed to 5 people at the rate of one unit. 

According to CDS & Clearing Limited, 2 million 59 thousand 358 people have applied for the IPO purchase of JBLBSL. 16.73 times more than the demand from these applicants. Applications have been received for 39 million 10 thousand 530 lots equal to 3 billion 91 million 53 thousand. 

JBLBSL has allocated Rs. Of the 1,977,300 IPOs equal to 197.73 million, 30,420 units at the rate of 0.5 percent have been reserved for employees and 98,865 units at the rate of 5 percent for collective investment funds. 

The issued capital of JBLBSL is Rs. 32.50 percent shares of Rs. 608.4 million have been sold to the public. Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta has received permission from the regulatory body Nepal Securities Board to sell the IPO on June 13. JBLBSL had applied to the Board for IPO issuance on March 1, 2021. The IPO sales manager is NMB Capital. 

Currently, the only paid-up capital from the founder of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta is Rs. 41.67 million. After the IPO, this capital will reach Rs. 608.4 million. By FY 076/77, the actual net worth per share of the company was Rs. 305.27 and earnings per share of Rs. 104.97. 

Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta set a price of up to three times for the first trade based on the net worth per share of Nepse. Price range from Rs 305.27 to Rs 915.81 is expected.

How to Check Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta IPO Allotment (Result):

You have to follow the following instruction to fast check the IPO result of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta:

Step 1: Log on to

Step 2: You will see this type of interface on your device.

Step 3: Type your 16 digit BOID Number (Beneficial Owner Identification Number)

Step 4: Click on View Result Tab. 

Finally, you will get the result message on the interface.

Detail Statement:

The Issuing Company Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (JBLBSL)
Issue Manager NMB Capital Limited
Security Type Common Stock -IPO
Date of Approval From SEBON 2078-2-30
IPO Issued Date 2078-3-11 to 2078-3-15
IPO Face Value Rs. 100
Per Unit Share Price Rs. 100
Total IPO Share 1977300 Units
Share for Mutual Investment 98865 Units
Share for Individual Investor  184815 Units
Total Applicants 2087317
IPO IPO Result

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