Instructions to work from home by Nepal Securities Board (SEBON):
The Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) has directed the brokers, merchant bankers, and all concerned to arrange work from home. Stating that the Covid-19 epidemic has increased, the board has directed to make arrangements to work from home (online).
As shares can be traded online, the board has instructed others not to have a physical presence in the office except for operating the system. It has been instructed not to employ more than three employees in the office to operate the system.
SEBON has asked to make arrangements to provide such facility from home by diverting the call for resolving complaints and problems and also to provide additional mobile numbers.
SEBON has also directed to provide immediate funds to small investors in case of the sale of shares for daily household expenses or medical treatment.
SEBON has also urged the employees to be safe by fully complying with the health standards and regulations issued by the Government of Nepal and the District Administration Office.