Indian Origin Priti Patel Become Home Minister of UK

News 27 Jul 2019 2988

Preeti Patel

Priti Patel, Indian-origin, has become the Home Minister in the cabinet of UK's new Prime Minister Boris Johnson. She is the first woman Home Minister of Indian origin in Britain. Prior to this, she has held important positions in the government of former Prime Minister Theresa May. But she was accused of having secret meetings with Israel, after which she had to resign. Now she has got a very important position in Britain. Earlier, Sajid Javid of Pakistani origin had remained in this position.

After all, who is Priti Patel? What is her full name? Where has she been studying? Where is her family? How did her career begin? You will get answers to all these questions.

  • Priti's full name is Priti Sushil Patel.
  • She is now 47 years old. The Conservative Party's Preeti was elected MP from the year Witham in 2010. In 2015 and 2017, they also won this seat.
  • David Cameron's government increased her stature. In 2014, Preeti became the Treasury Minister. After the general elections of 2015, she was given the post of Minister of Employment.
  • Then in the Government of Theresa, Preeti Patel assumed the position of State Secretary in the International Development Department in 2016.
  • But in 2017, due to the Israeli dispute, she had to resign from the post.
  • Priti studied from Westfield Tech College first.
  • After that, he enrolled for the study of Economics at Kiel University.
  • Then Preeti has graduated from Essex University in British Government and Politics.
  • Priti's parents (Anjana and Sushil Patel) are from Gujarat. But before the birth of Preeti, they had gone to Uganda. Then settled in Hertfordshire, England, after fleeing from there.
  • She started the chain of a newsagent in London and England's south-east.
  • Priti Patel was born on 29 March 1972 in Harrow, England. Preeti considers Preeti Margaret Thatcher as her ideal.
  • Priti Patel married a man named Alex Soyer in the year 2004. Sawyer is a marketing consultant at the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. He is also a Cabinet Member and Conservative Counselor at the Council of London Borough of Boxley.
  • From February 2014 to August 2017, Sawer Preeti has also done a part-time job as an office manager.
  • The son of Preeti is Freddy, who was born in 2008.