IME Life Insurance Company to Issue IPO for Public

News 15 Jun 2021 1206

Initial Public Offering IPO

IME Life Insurance Company is going to issue shares in the initial public offering (IPO) by registering with the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON).

The special resolution was passed by the company's third annual general meeting held today. Also, according to Article 111 of the Companies Act 2063, the auditor of the Fiscal Year 2076/077 has been appointed and the remuneration has been determined. The meeting has also passed other proposals including approving the appointment of the director.

A meeting chaired by Dr. Ram Hari Aryal, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company on Monday passed the report of the Board of Directors of the Fiscal Year 2075/076, including the auditor's report, the balance sheet of the Fiscal Year 2075/076, profit and loss account and cash flow statement. Has done other work.

Speaking at the meeting, Chairman Dr. Aryal said that despite the lack of adequate public awareness, skilled manpower, and insurance business literacy in the insurance business, the company is determined to take the issue as an opportunity to provide insurance information, public awareness, and access to insurance even to low-income groups.

IPO Upcoming IPO