Gautam Buddha Secondary School in Kapilvastu has distributed laptops to teachers to conduct classes using digital technology. Laptops have been handed over to 17 teachers under the model school program.
The school has launched the 'One Teacher One Laptop' program to connect learning with technology, said Principal Shishir Aryal. Last year, the school distributed laptops to seven teachers.
The school has spent Rs 1.2 million on the purchase of laptops in the current fiscal year. The school has been teaching the secondary and technical classes using smart boards and projectors, said co-principal Mohan Gautam.
Shekhar Neupane, a teacher at the school, said that after using the laptop, it has become easy to search for learning materials on the internet, search for visual materials on the subject and provide information on facilitation skills. He said that there is a plan to distribute laptops to a total of 44 teachers within the next year.