Fee Adjustment Notice from Chitwan Medical College

News 15 Dec 2019 2058

Fee Adjustment Notice from Chitwan Medical College

MBBS, BDS, B.Sc. Nursing, BMLT, BPH, BMIT and B.Pharmacy Fee Adjustment Notice from Chitwan Medical College

In this regard, the Chitwan Medical College issues the following information regarding the implementation of the two-point agreement between the Honorable Education, Science and Technology Minister, Medical Education Commission, University officials and medical college directors regarding the dispute of medical education.

  • For the MBBS and BDS studies of the academic year 2075/076 (first year) and 2074/075 (second year), the Government of Nepal has provided Rs.42,45,000 and Rs.19,32,612. The first installment Fees will be Rs.21,22,300 and Rs. 9,66,306 and some additional fees, in the case of those paid; In the first installment fee, the TU registration fee, council registration fee, the amount as specified by the concerned body will be adjusted in the next installment.
  • Other graduate-level programs operating at this college: Nursing, Public Health, Pharmacy, BMLT, BMIT colleges have been forwarded to the process of adjusting or withdrawing fees beyond the stipulated amount.
  • It will be informed that the Medical Education Commission is doing necessary work in the coordination of the University and the concerned bodies in the favor of the academic year 2072/073 and 2073/074 as it is competing to implement the decision of the Higher Commission.
  • The fees of the students studying in the scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Government of Nepal shall be implemented as per the order sent by the concerned body.
  • Subsequently, the regular annual examination fee will be charged as prescribed by Tribhuvan University. Other additional charges for conducting the test shall be as prescribed by the concerned body.
  • The additional decision is taken or submitted by TU and other concerned bodies will be made in coordination with the University, as decided by the Medical Education Commission.
  • For adjusted fee information, parents of concerned students should contact the Accounting Department of this Medical College at Kailashnagar within one week from the date the notification is published.
  • As per the information is given to the agitating students, we warmly request that all programs of the movement be withdrawn, facilitate academic administration and academic activities, participate in regular university examinations and advance the process of the fee adjustment, as well as support for all parents, civil society, journalists and all. Take care

Chitwan Medical College (CMC)

Bharatpur, Chitwan

Estd. 2006


