Eight Hundred Students Participating in the Scholarship Examination

News 12 May 2019 1850

Scholarship Examination

According to the new system, Madhyapur Thimi municipality has conducted the examination for the first time throughout the country, to provide scholarship to students from class 1 to 10.     

To offers the scholarship provided under the local government, the municipality has conducted the examination of scholarships in Janapremi Secondary School in Kaushaltar today.

The Mayor of municipality and coordinator of the Municipal Education Committee Madan Sundar Shrestha said that the target to distribute the scholarships transparently; five percent of the school itself and five percent municipal students have been conducting the examination as per the agreement with the institutional school to be offered the scholarship.     

Mayor Shrestha said, "Five percent out of the 10% scholarships offered by Institutional schools have been conducted as per the consent to choose the municipalities"

Scholarships will be given to the locals, prevalent, Dalit, tribe, disabled, poor, hardworking students by keeping them in priority. After the results of the examination, the concerned school will provide a scholarship to the student provided by the municipality.     

The municipality said that the students will conduct scholarships to the students studying class 1 to 10, saying that according to the new system, the examination will be done without any financial shortage in Madhyapur Thimi. He claimed that the Madhyapurithi municipality which was conducting the examination to provide scholarships was the first local government in the country.     

Coordinator of the Municipal Education Committee member, and coordinator of the Scholarship Selection Committee, Suman Basnet said that 810 students have applied for a scholarship. The Education Act, if every institutional school has the rules to provide compulsory 10 percent scholarships based on the class student number, the municipality has conducted the examination to provide self-scholarship; while the parents complaining that the institutional school is not providing scholarship transparently.  

For the scholarships, the students had applied forms from the Municipal Education Committee and applied for the recommendation of related Ward. According to the coordinator, the coordinator, who will send the students' names to 51 institutional schools in this area, in public within 10 days of the examination for full and partial scholarships.

Every year, the municipality will conduct the examination to provide scholarships from this process. The principal of Janpremi Secondary School and Chairman of PABSON Madhyapurthimi Nilesh Acharya said that the examination was conducted smoothly and have the full support of the PABSON to provide scholarship according to the new system. 
