Curriculum Development Center (CDC) Directed Schools to Use Curriculum-based Textbooks

News 28 Jun 2021 2698

Curriculum Development Centre

The Curriculum Development Center (CDC) has asked the principals of 20 private schools for clarification. The CDC issued a public notice on Sunday asking parents to buy books from various publishers, asking for clarification from school principals.

"During the monitoring, it has been found that some schools have provided the list to the students using the textbooks and textbooks according to the old syllabus instead of the textbooks and textbooks according to the new syllabus approved in classes 2, 3, and 6," the notice said. ‘Parents have been forced to purchase an unnecessary number of textbooks and textbooks as reference materials. The headmasters of such schools have been asked for clarification.

It is further written, "Therefore, it has been advised not to use textbooks and materials outside the curriculum approved by the Government of Nepal and according to the old curriculum."

Curriculum Development Center has warned the schools and publishers who disobey the directive to take action as per the law. It is mentioned that the price of some textbooks and textbooks has not been mentioned yet, the new price has been fixed by pasting the black sticker on the old price list and the price has been mentioned more than the price fixed by the government.

According to the approved National Curriculum Draft 2076 of School Education, the medium language Nepali should be compulsory for the study of social studies, human values ​​education, Nepali art and culture, and basic identity-based subjects. Instructions have been issued to make reading through language medium.

Parents, schools, and students have been warned to use textbooks, textbooks, and textbooks containing new maps of Nepal and textbooks and textbooks approved by the Center for Curriculum Development only as per the latest curriculum approved by the government.
