CTEVT Notice: Program Suspension for Technical Schools in Nepal
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) Technical Education in Community Schools (TECS) Division Sanothimi, Bhaktapur urgent notice for TECS Schools.
It has been observed that among the community schools that received affiliation/approval from the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training for Pre-Diploma (formerly Technical SLC) and Diploma programs on various dates and are operating Technical Education Programs (TECS), some schools have:
Obtained affiliation/approval for one or more programs
Operated only some of their approved programs while leaving others non-operational
Not initiated any programs despite receiving affiliation/approval three years ago and the passing of three academic sessions
Similarly, some TECS schools have:
Informed the Council's provincial offices about their desire to cancel their affiliation/approval
Received complaints about ineffective instructor management and practical training due to enrollment being less than 25% of capacity
In this context, based on the 'Procedure for Technical Education Program Suspension, Change, Integration, Transfer and Affiliation Cancellation in Community Schools - 2079' and recommendations from the CTEVT Restructuring Report 2081, TECS schools wishing to suspend or cancel their affiliation for any of their educational programs are requested to:
Study the procedure available on the Council's website, www.ctevt.org.np
Submit an application to the relevant provincial office within three months (by 2082/02/09) with:
The decision from the School Management Committee, as per Annex 1 of the procedure
Recommendation from the local government
Other necessary documents
Additionally, according to this procedure, Council provincial offices are informed to coordinate with TECS schools.
Notice Publication Date: 2081/11/10