CTEVT Notice for Implementation of Revised Syllabus of Pre-Diploma and Diploma Level

News 28 Jul 2022 3417

CTEVT Building

Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Important notice regarding implementation of revised syllabuses

Whereas the revised courses by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) Curriculum Development and Equivalency Determination Division have been approved by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training, Curriculum Committee held on various dates and implemented from this academic session; This notice is published for the information of all institutions, administrators, principals, instructors and students who are required to study and teach the diploma and pre-diploma level courses mentioned in the details in the Council's Constituent, Partnership, TECS, and affiliated educational institutions.

You are requested to download the modified courses directly from the council's website www.ctevt.org.np or contact this division and contact the provincial office of the council to participate in the dissemination workshop through virtual means.

Courses Group for Revised Syllabus Implementation
Diploma in Social Work, Revised 2022

First year in the academic session 2078/079


Pre-Diploma in Culinary Arts, Revised 2022
3 Year Diploma in Engineering (3rd Semester to 6th Semester)
1) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

A group enrolled in the first semester of the first year in the academic session 2078/079

Note: The name of Diploma in Hydropower Engineering has been changed to Diploma in Civil Engineering (Specialized in Hydropower Engineering). It is also requested to do the same.

2) Diploma in Hydropower Engineering
3) Diploma in Civil Engineering (Specialized in Hydropower Engineering)
4) Diploma in Electronics Engineering
5) Diploma in Electrical Engineering
6) Diploma in Information Technology
7) Diploma in Geomatics Engineering
8) Diploma in Computer Engineering
9) Diploma in Automobile Engineering
10) Diploma in Architecture Engineering
11) Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
12) Diploma in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering
13) Diploma in Civil Engineering (Specialized in Hydropower Engineering)
14) Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering

Notice published date: 2079-04-12

CTEVT Notice