Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) at a Glances

News 31 Dec 2020 2378

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal: Brief Introduction of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN):

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal was established as an autonomous entity on 31 December 1998 under the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal Act,1996. CAAN has been set up with the objective of ensuring civil aviation safe, secure, efficient, regular, and environmentally sustainable aisle. It has dual functions: Regulator as well as Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) with Aerodrome Operator.

A) Regulatory Functions:

  • To regulate air transportation by ensuring compliance with the international standards promulgated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the National Civil Aviation Requirements.
  • To issue the Operating Certificate to airlines and other aviation businesses.
  • To inspect, monitor, and oversight flight safety and Aviation Security.
  • To issue the competency-based license, rating, and certificate, as prescribed, to Pilot, Engineer, ATS & Others Safety Sensitive as well as Technical Personnel.

B) Aerodrome Operations & Air Navigation Service Provider Functions:

  • To conduct feasibility, consultation, construction, operation, management, and maintenance of airports and other infrastructures along with passenger facilitation service.
  • To provide ANS services for safe, reliable, standard, efficient, and smooth air transportation.
  • To provide standard training and persuals to human resources needed in the civil aviation sector.
  • To ensure proper sources and utilization of grants, loans, government's share for infrastructure development.
  • To coordinate with different agencies and stakeholders for smooth airport operation and passenger facilitation.

C) International Responsibilities:

To enforce guidelines and SARPs (Standard and Recommended Practices) of Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention).

  • To implement the Air Service Agreements & MOUs with respective countries.
  • To co-ordinate with different national and international organizations for flight safety and aviation security.
Airports at a glance:
Total Airports — 54
International Airports — 1
Domestic Hub Airports — 4
Other Domestic Airports — 49
Airports in Operation — 35
Airports Not in Operation - 19
Other Infomation:
International Airports under Construction — 3
Domestic Airports Under Construction — 1
Bitumen Airports — 36
Airports with Night Operation Facilities — 8
Current domestic airlines Operating in Nepal — 1 (Fixed Wing 9 & Rotor Wing 10)
International Airlines Operating in Nepal — 30 Airlines of 14 Countries
Airport with RFF Facilities - 17
Ultralight Operators — 4
Hot Air Balloon Operators - 1

Major Achievements of 2020

Air Traffic Scenario:

Till November of 2020, the total number of Flight Movement of TIA and the 4 Hub Airports are as follows:

Airports Aircraft Movement
Arrival Dep Total
TIA Intl 4763 4776 9539
TIA Domestic 16417 16434 32851
Biratnagar 2150 2149 4299
Gautam Buddha 1453 1453 2906
Airports Passenger Movement
In Out Total
TIA Intl 505224 534037 1039261
TIA Domestic 557509 586043 1143552
Biratnagar 124005 116247 240252
Gautam Buddha 75346 74304 149650
Airports Cargo Movement (In Tons)
In Out Total
TIA Intl 4030765 6069124 10099889
TIA Domestic 233035 881341 1114376
Biratnagar 123224.11 203186.67 326410.78
Gautam Buddha 82196.4 36517.6 118714

Airport Infrastructure Development

1. Tribhuvan International Airport

  • The rehabilitation of the runway and taxiway has been completed.
  • The additional apron has been completed capable of parking 2 big and 4 small-sized jet airplanes.
  • The runway has been expanded by 300in towards the south and additionally, a Runway End Safety Area (RESA) of 240m and Runway Strip(RS) of 60m have been added.
  • New Departure Hall has been completed and is in operation now.
  • Baggage Handling System (BHS) has been installed at the Domestic Terminal Building.
  • As per the boutique airport design, the International Terminal Building has been painted by Silicon Paints, gardens have been built, the arrival hall has been decorated with attractive statues and a Buddha Statue has been installed at arrival.

2. Gautam Buddha International Airport

  • The physical and financial progress of the project as of November 2020 is about 93% and 63% respectively.
  • Runway lights, Coin. Nay. Equipment, Baggage Handling Systems,
    X-Ray, etc. equipment have arrived and are yet to be installed.

3. Pokhara Regional International Airport

  • The Physical Progress is at 66% and the Financial Progress is 27% till November 2020.

4. Other Airports

  • An apron capable of handling additional 6 turboprop aircraft has been completed at Nepalgunj Airport.
  • The runway, taxiway, and apron of 7 domestic airports have been rehabilitated whereas 8 airports have been blacktopped.
  • Masterplan for expansion and development of Chandragadhi, Biratnagar, Rajbiraj, Nepalgunj and Dhangadhi Airports have been prepared.
  • Overlay of Runway, Taxiway and Apron has been completed at Chandragadhi, Simikot and Bharatpur Airports.
  • Runway, Taxiway and Apron of Bajhang, Baitadi and Doti Airports have been blacktopped.
  • New Terminal Buidling has been completed at Janakpur, Rajbiraj and Rumjatar Airports whereas the Terminal Building of Ramechhap Airport has been expanded.
  • Rigid Pavement of Apron of Phaplu Airport has been completed.
  • Simple Approach Lighting System aimed to facilate the landing of aircraft has been installed at Dhangadhi Airport.
  • Small Fire Vehicles for Rescue and Fire-fighting have been made available at Chandragadhi, Janakpur, Bharatpur and Dhangadhi
  • Ultra-Light Fire Vehicles have been made available at Jumla, Jomsom, Simikot, Ramechhap and Tumlingtar Airports.

Aviation Safety

  • Nepal Aviation Safety Plan, 2018-2022 (NASD) has been prepared and now, is in phase of implemention.
  • Nepal has implemented the second phase of State Safety Programme(SSP) . Safety Management System (SMS) audit of all aeroplane and helicopter operators has been completed.
  • Aviation Safety Report- 2020 has been published.
  • International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has conducted the aviation security audit of Nepal under its Universal Security Audit Program, Continuous Monitoring Approach (USAP-CMA) to evaluate aviation security system and degree of compliance with annex 17 standards and security related provision of annex 9 after the second cycle audit of 2010.

Air Navigation System,

  • RNAV procedures have been implemented at Chandragadhi, Dhangadhi and Janakpur Airport.
  • ADS-B sensors have been installated at Kathmandu, Bhairahawa, Nepalgunj and Dhangadhi Airports.
  • Met Equipments are installed at Phaplu, Ramechhap and Jomsom Airport.
  • Air Transport
  • During this period, CAAN delivered safe and effective air traffic control services. International Aircraft Movement and Passenger Movement decreased by 74% and 72% respectively whereas Cargo Movement increased by 11% comparing the average data for 2019 and 2020. On the other side, Domestic Aircraft Movement, Passenger Movement and Cargo Movement decreased by 66%, 65% and 68% respectively.
  • Nepal has signed ASAs with 40 countries, with Australia being the latest signatory.
  • 30 International Airlines (including 3 Nepali Companies) from 14 countries operate international flights to/ from Tribhuvan International Airport to 32 destinations.
  • Meanwhile, in the domestic sector, 19 Domestic Airlines have valid AOC.

International Relations and Aviation Policies

  • The Memorandum Of Understandings(MOU) on mutual sustenance and collaboration for advancement of civil aviation sector of Nepal between Chief of EASA. and DG of CAAN is about to accomplish after getting a go-ahead by council of ministers, Government of Nepal.
  • Rajan Pokhrel, Director General of CAAN has been unanimously elected as the co-chair of Asia-Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG) of ICAO.

Impact of COVED-19

  • ICAO has predicted a decrease of (38-70)% in international and (28­-50)% in domestic passengers movement in Asia & Pacific Region in 2020 due to unprecedented global pandemic.

Tasks related Tasks COVED-19

  • CAAN has issued various Guidelines to Airlines, Airports, and Ground Service Providers for operation during COVED-19, on the basis of which concerned bodies shall perform their doings strictly.
  • As per the guidelines of ICAO, CAAN increased the validity period of the license, rating, and certificates of Pilots, Aerodrome Engineers, ATCs, Flight Dispatchers, etc.
  • 13 Quick Reference Guide and 10 Advisory Circulars have been issued.
  • CAAN has briefed the DGs of the Asia Pacific Region of ICAO regarding the different approaches taken by Nepal for the operation amid COVID-19.
  • Director-General of CAAN has been in close contact with the Asia Pacific Office of ICAO as a member of APAC COVED- I 9 Contingency and Recovery Planning Group (ACCRPG).
  • For importation of medico-equipments during the pandemic by Nepal Airlines Corporation, CAAN coordinated the concerned authorities of India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and China to accord the over the permission of respective countries.
  • Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal contributed the amount of one crore to Corona Virus Infection Prevention, Control and Treatment Fund officially, moreover the sum of NRs.5.107,116.31 is contributed to the same fund by all employees of CAAN.
  • The flight of Nepal Airlines Corporation to Australia and the International Chartered flight by Shree Airlines was successfully managed.
  • As per the decision of the Government of Nepal, CAAN has smoothly coordinated the needful processions for the repatriation flights to Nepal from different countries and vice-versa.

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

Babarmahal, Kathmandu

Estd. 1998


+977-1-426 2326

Services Offered
