We are happy to announce that Chelsea International Academy is starting a new project - Promotion of the Use of Solar Energy Potential in Nepal by Sharing the Lithuanian Experience. This project is mainly financed by The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania who has allocated more than 200 000 EUR from the Climate Change Program to help Nepal in addressing the challenges of climate change through solar energy as part of the EU's Climate Change Policy in developing countries. The aim of the project is to use the solar energy potential by installing an innovative 140 kW solar power plant at the Chelsea International Academy/Vidhya Sanskar School in Kathmandu (Nepal) and transferring Lithuanian experience in technology use, design and project management. The total value of the project is more than 280 000 EUR. The project promoter and co-financer is Lithuanian JSC "Saules aukstis".
The main idea of the project is to promote the implementation of the Global Climate Change Reduction Plan by applying environmentally friendly technologies and transferring know-how. Implementation (designing and installing) of the new generation solar power plant on the roof of Chelsea International Academy will directly contribute to schools energy security and independence: will reduce electricity demand from the grid and use of diesel in the power generators, ensuring continuous energy supply at the school and significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Transferred know-how of implementing the innovative solar technologies, programming, operation and project administration will significantly shorten implementation time and reduce soft costs of similar projects in the future in Nepal.
School-tailored solutions will be used as a reference and training tool for collecting actual data and comparing them with other types of energy production. It is expected that students and society will become more environmentally conscious and friendly when they will see the differences and benefits. In addition, active involvement of the surrounding population and local self-government is envisaged.