Birgunj Metropolitan City Offers Free Public Service Commission Preparation Classes

News 12 Feb 2023 1008

Birgunj Metropolitan City Offers Free Public Service Commission Preparation Classes

Aiming at the unemployed youth, the Birgunj Metropolitan City has conducted Public Service Commission preparation classes free of charge. A free preparation class has been started targeting those who wish to become civil servants, teachers, and security personnel but could not prepare due to lack of funds. The preparatory class was inaugurated in a program by Metropolitan Chief Rajeshman Singh.

On that occasion, City Chief Singh said that Birganj Metropolitan Municipality has started public service preparation classes free of charge to prepare skilled leadership, successful, hardworking, competitive, and honest youth workforce by developing positive feelings among the youth.

38 women and 57 men are participating in the class. The participants said that this effort made by the metropolis for the youth is positive. They say that the compulsion to take preparatory classes by paying expensive fees is gone.

The preparatory classes are attended not only by Birganj but also by Parsa, Bara, and other localities. UD BI-SEF Computer Education Institute conducted preparatory classes with the support of Birgunj Metropolitan Municipality.

Key information:

  • The Birgunj Metropolitan City has started free Public Service Commission preparation classes for unemployed youth.
  • The classes target individuals who wish to become civil servants, teachers, and security personnel but could not afford to prepare.
  • The classes were inaugurated by Metropolitan Chief Rajeshman Singh.
  • The goal of the classes is to develop a skilled, successful, hardworking, competitive, and honest youth workforce.
  • 38 women and 57 men are participating in the classes.
  • The classes are being conducted by UD BI-SEF Computer Education Institute with the support of the Birgunj Metropolitan Municipality.
  • Participants from Birgunj, Parsa, Bara, and other localities are attending the classes.