Bike / Scooter Tax Rate in Bagmati Pradesh for the Fiscal year 2078/79

News 17 Jul 2021 63858

Bike Scooter Tax Rate in Bagmati Pradesh 2078-79

The Bagmati Province Published a new tax rate of the Bike / Scooter tax rate for the fiscal year 2078/079 as per the province financial Act 2078.

CC Motorcycle / Scooter Amount Rs.
Up to 125 CC 3000
125 CC to 150 CC 5000
150 CC tp 225 CC 6500
225 CC to 400 CC 11000
400 CC to 650 CC 20000
Abobe 650 CC 30000
Electrical Vehicle
350 W to 1000 W 2000
1000 W to 1500 W 2500
Above 1500 W 3000
Registration, Transfer Registration, and Transfer Agreement Fee
Private 500
Government, Institution 500
Transfer Agreement Fee 500
Vehicle Ownership Transfer Verification Fee
Motorcycle / Scooter 500

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