Tribhuvan University Bhaktapur Multiple Campus Doodhpati - 17, Bhaktapur, Nepal Interview Notice for CMAT Passed Students: It is hereby notified to the students who have applied and passed the CMAT 2079/2022 and Class XII for being enrolled in BBA/BBM/BIM Program that they are required to attain the interview which is going to be held on Tuesday, 11th Aswin, 2079 at 7:00 A.M. onwards.
Students who will be shortlisted/listed must attain the interview within the given time frame i.e. 7:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M. otherwise campus administration is not bound to take further interviews.
Bhaktapur Multiple Campus
Doodhpati-17, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Phone: 01-6610200, 016613199, 01-6616652
Notice Published Date: 2079-6-9 (25th September 2022)
Bhaktapur Notice