Address of President Xi Jinping in Nepal

News 13 Oct 2019 2309

Address of President Xi Jinping in Nepal


Greetings written in Chinese may not be heard well, or may not be understood. It may not be so good. In the autumn, hundreds of flowers have flowered in Nepal. I have come to Nepal on the warm invitation of the Honorable President Vidyadevi Bhandari.

This is my first visit to Kantipur, Kathmandu. Here I meet old and new friends. I am very happy to see Nepal's political stability, social harmony and the happy life of the people. My hopes for the future have awakened. I hope the two countries will have closer political ties.

During more than half a century of diplomatic relations between China and Nepal, the two countries have presented an exemplary model of friendly relations between neighboring countries. What I want to tell President Xi is that there is no problem between China and Nepal, there is only friendship. Honorable President Bhandari and I have decided to establish a strategic partnership relationship between generations and generations, which will lead to development and prosperity by cooperating with common interests. I hope more friendly relations will be built between the two countries.

We will begin a feasibility study of the China-Nepal border railway. We will upgrade the Araniko highway to various stages by ensuring its operation. We will be active in advancing the tunnel route from Kerung to Kathmandu. We will build a multi-dimensional communication network across the Himalayas by opening as many boats as possible. And, we will help to fulfill the dream of becoming a landlocked country from Nepal's landlocked country. I hope the understanding between the two countries will increase.

We are actively pursuing reconstruction projects after the earthquake. We will encourage more and more Chinese tourists to visit Nepal during the Nepal Visit 2020. We will increase public understanding by increasing investment in education and cultural activities. We will also encourage more cities of the two countries to be proposed as sister cities. We want the seeds of friendship between the two countries to germinate.

Recently President Xi mentioned that Lumbini is the birthplace of Buddha. China has the largest number of Buddhists in the world. Even in India and Nepal, there are more followers of Buddhism. Like Nepal, Buddhism has become a local religion in China now. In my view, in the coming days, more and more Buddhists will visit Nepal and also come for the exchange of religion. I hope the two countries will cooperate with more multilaterally.

At present, self-defense, totalitarianism, and totalitarianism are very prevalent. We must support pluralism and economic liberalization. The Chinese side is well aware of the Nepalese side's particular interest in climate change. We also support the appropriate demands of the Nepal side in its commitment to climate change. With the Nepalese side, we will always look forward to protecting our common, especially the mountains, Everest by moving the process of addressing climate change in many ways.

I am very happy that we have reached an agreement with all Nepali leaders. During this visit, I am very happy to be able to work with Nepali leaders to create new plans and plans for relations between China and Nepal. Tomorrow I will also share views with Prime Minister KP Oli about bilateral relations and our common interests. I would often say that we abandon all the plans we have made and put forward. We have done the same in China. 

We have recently made the establishment of the People's Republic of China for 70 years. And we have also achieved two goals of the two centuries. We will make it our first goal in the coming years. The second goal will be fulfilled only after 30 years. But, the way we work is clear, it has to be implemented.

Let us also build a new future of island-related relations through joint efforts. Now I want to propose to everyone present. Cheers for the prosperous life of Nepal, for the friendship of the bookies between China and Nepal, for the well-being of everyone present here, including President Vidyadevi Bhandari! Gammie.

(Translated and edited excerpt from a speech addressed by President Xi Jinping to a dinner held at the Soaltee Hotel in Nepal)

-from Annapurnapost
