55 Airhostesses Graduated from Nepal Airhostess Academy

News 28 May 2022 2725

55 Airhostesses Graduated from Nepal Airhostess Academy

55 Airhostesses of the 16th, 17th, and 18th batches studying in Nepal Airhostess Academy have graduated. After graduating from a ceremony in Hattisar, Kathmandu, the way has been opened for them to become flight attendants.

Seven months ago, she came to study at the Nepal Airhostess Academy with the dream of becoming an air hostess. Rejina Tuladhar, director of the Nepal Airhostess Academy, said that after seven months of efforts, they have been able to find a flight attendant.

Airhostess is an attractive profession in itself. Tuladhar said that the profession of flying in the sky is as exciting as it is responsible. Gauri Kala Thapa, Chief Instructor of the Academy, Sanchita Nepali, International Airhostess of Indian origin, Rojin Shakya, Personality Trainer, and Pradeepraj Wanta, Chairman of the Institute were also present on the occasion.

In the program, certificates were given to the students, and medals were given to the best students. On the occasion, the guests lauded the importance of providing education to the youth by investing in such an important field as Airhostess.

The study course covers the history and type of aircraft, passenger safety, passenger hospitality, and fire fighting. Director Tuladhar said that more priority has been given to dress and make-up, food service, first aid method, personality development, self-defense, swimming, and other issues.

The Airhostess is responsible for entertaining the passenger, giving the passenger a sense of security, taking the passenger's command, comforting the passenger in difficult times, disseminating information, providing weather information, and checking the identity card. According to Chairman Wanta, Airhostesses earn a minimum of Rs 30,000 to Rs 80,000 per month on national flights. Similarly, earn Rs 1 lakh to Rs 2 lakh per month on international flights.
