Secrets to Living to 100 Years Old

Lifestyle 08 Jan 2019 1227

Secrets to Living to 100 Years Old

Secrets to Living to 100 Years Old:

Dan Buettner, the author of "Blue Zones", studied the five places of the world, where people are famous for living a long life. These are Okinawa of Japan, Loma Linda of California, Nicoya of Costa Rica, Icaria of Greece, and Sardinia of Italy. Some of the things seen here are seen in the same way - social security system, the habit of everyday work habits and vegetarianism.

One more thing was seen in the same. People from all these communities do gardening till old age- 80 years, even 90 years old or older. Can you get 100 years of life by taking care of plants?

Good health:

It is believed that there is a long-standing relationship with some physical labor. Gardening is an easy way to complete both. Buttner says, "If you do gardening, you do some light physical work throughout the day and you work regularly." According to Butenar, there is evidence that gardeners spend a long life and live in low tension.

It has been proved from many types of studies that both his physical and mental health remains correct.

What was the result in research?

In recent research in the Netherlands, participants were asked to do a difficult job, and then they were divided into two groups.

A group was asked to read in the house for 30 minutes and the second group was sent out for the same time to horticulture. The people who were sitting in the house read, their mood got worse. In the gardeners, not only did the level of Cortisol hormones increase, but their mood also got better.

Australian researchers studying men and women over the age of 60 found that regular men in horticulture were less than 36 percent of the risk of dementia (memory loss) against others. Elderly people with genetic disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer's, benefit from gardening and horticultural therapy. Sunlight and fresh air help the elderly to stay calm. Improves the ability to see and touch the colors and their texture of plants and vegetables.

There is no panacea treatment of old age, yet science says that the quality of life is better than horticulture.

Nature will handle you:

The effect of gardening is not only on health. Its social benefits can also be a lifetime. The University of Hawaii, Dr. Bradley Wilcox has studied the people who completed 100 years in Okinawa. The proportion of people in 100 years of Okinawa is the highest in the world. Out of every 100,000 people, about 50 people are 100 years of age.

Many people here also supervise a small private garden in old age. Wilcox says that horticulture helps in increasing life in conjunction with other essential factors.

"In Okinawa, they say that the healthy elderly should have a reason to live. Gardening inspires you to wake up every morning." Wilcox says that Okinawa's people also value the concept of social partnership too much. "It is a great social activity to go along with the market, to bring its products and to share new things in the garden, which makes people feel connected to the root."

Natural recipe:

The feeling of being connected with other people is very important. It is also important to connect with important nature. A study of Harvard University has shown that those who live among greenery, their age is long. There is less risk of cancer and respiratory diseases.

Scotland's doctor writes a recipe for a stroll between nature's greenery to remove many diseases, including blood pressure and irritation and to increase happiness. Horticulture, even if it is in small plots of cities, is an easy way to incorporate nature into your daily life. Diet is also important for longevity, in which gardening can help.

The "Mediterranean diet" enriched with vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses, dried fruits, fish and olive oil slows down the aging process. Wilcox says that the local gardens and fresh vegetables in the market are very important for longevity, even if the diet is technically Mediterranean or not. In Okinawa, most people grow vegetables like bitter melons and sweet potatoes in their garden.

"When you eat your grown vegetables, it changes everything, they taste more and the quality of the food is different." Vegetables grown in the garden are less prone to phytoactive compounds.

Experts of "Blue Zones" Buttoner recommend vegetarianism, especially leaves and seeds, at 90 percent of the food. Dan Buettner says, "Most gardeners plant the same plant which they eat."

Farming for a long life:

If gardening is good then what is better than farming? Many factors of lifestyle are associated with long life - like staying in villages and doing lots of work. This is normal for farmers. Some evidence indicates that farming is one of the most healthful professions.

Research in Australia showed that less than one-third of the risk of serious illnesses in farmers is less likely to be vulnerable. In contrast to non-agricultural laborers, their chances of going to a doctor are less than 40 percent.

In the United States, researchers compared the death rate of farmers and the general population and found that farmers are less likely to die of cancer, heart disease or diabetes.

Studies in Sweden and France have also shown that farmers are healthier than non-farmers. Dr. Masahiko Gemma of the Waseda University of Tokyo studied farmers working in his fields in the central province of Saitama. Their average age was more than non-farmers. They work even when they are old.

Many respondents involved in Gemma's research were part-time farmers or retired people. His responsibilities were equivalent to supervising a garden. Dan Buettner Says, "Small family farming is common in Japan."

In the survey of Jemma, large scale corporate farming farmers were not included. They found that the farmers working in their fields feel mental and physically positive changes after performing small tasks. "We estimate that the work of farming keeps good health and enthusiasm."


The results found by Gemma are happy, but not all types of farming are from the traditional and low-tech Japanese model. Farming in most Western countries is an industry and it is possible that farmers are working in difficult or dangerous situations and they are debt-free. It is also possible that they are using machines in farming.

Thomas Forrester, Food Policy Advisor at UN Organizations, says, "At least farming in America is like this: farmers can spend the same time on other computers as others, they can run the broiler or sit in the air-conditioned rooms or run the computer or See the video.”

In such a situation, it is difficult to understand the farming of magic that prevents old age. Neither cultivation nor gardening will guarantee longevity. But some factors of lifestyle associated with both - like going out, doing light physical labor and healthy vegetarianism can guarantee it.

Ultimately, balancing is useful:

Wilcox says, "I give an example of a chair. Diet, physical activity, mental occupation, and social relationships are its four legs." "If there is no one of these four legs, then due to deteriorating balance, you will fall and your life will be shortened."
