Shey Phoksundo Rural Municipality (शे फोक्सुण्डो गाउँपालिका) was established in 2017 (2073 BS) as a local government (self-government) of Nepal. The headquarters of Shey Phoksundo Gaunpalika (Rural Municipality) is located in Saldang, Dolpa District, Karnali Province of Nepal. The total area of the She Phoksundo Rural Municipality is 123.7 square kilometers and the total population of this rural municipality as of 2011 (2068 BS) Nepal census is 3099 (1587 Female and 1512 male) individuals and density is 25/km2 (65/sq mi). This Rural municipality is divided into total 9 wards.
It is situated at coordinates of 29° 20' 00" N to 29° 51' 00" N Latitudes and 82° 89' 00" E to 83° 09' 00" E of Longitudes. The lowest elevation is 2300m and the highest elevation is 7,425m below sea level.
Shey Phoksundo Gaunpalika was incorporated on 10 March 2017 (Falgun 27, 2073 BS) fulfilling the requirement of the Constitution of Nepal 2015 (2072 BS). Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA) replaced all old VDCs and Municipalities into 753 new local level bodies. Saldang, Bhijer, and Phoksundo Village development committees (VDCs) were incorporated to form this Gaunpalika. The name of this Gaunpalika was enrolled by the name of Shey Phoksundo Lake.