TU Service Commission Published Written Exam Schedule and Exam Center

Exam 24 Jul 2021 21088

TU Service Commission Published Written Exam Schedule and Exam Center

Office of the Tribhuvan University Service Commission Notice regarding the conduct of written examination for the post of Associate Professor

As per the details published by the office of Tribhuvan University Service Commission, the written examination of the candidates who have applied for the post of Associate Professor in various subjects and have reached the minimum qualification will be conducted as per the following schedule; This information has been published for the information of all concerned. In the details submitted by the candidates, it is also informed that no action will be taken on the application if it is found otherwise.

Admission tickets can be printed from the Commission's website from 5th Bhadra, 2078. The Admit Card should be printed in clear color. Candidates without admit cards will not be included in the written test.


1) If the examination of any candidate falls on the same day in the mentioned examination schedule, the application can be submitted to the office of the Commission, or the email of the Commission, [email protected] by 2078-04-22.

2) The list of eligible candidates for the examination has been published on the website of the Service Commission on 2078-04-01. The list of eligible candidates for Law, Rural Development, and Maithili subjects will be published on the website of the Service Commission after the last date of application. If your name is not listed / error in the published list or any claim is opposed, you have to apply to the Service Commission within the stipulated date.

3) The examinee must follow the conduct related to the examination.

4) The rules to be followed by the examinee are published on the website as well as on the admission card.

5) When the examinee comes to join the examination, he/she must come to the examination center one hour in advance with the admission card and full citizenship.

6) The examinee shall fully comply with the "Procedure for Use of Answer Sheets and Examination Regulation, 2077". Regulations and other procedures related to the examination can be downloaded from the Commission's website www.tuservicecommission.edu.np.

7) Use of ink other than black ink in the answer sheet, other than the place specified outside the first page of the first answer sheet (your name, roll number, and signature), any marks or signs except the question asked, unnecessary phrases, lines or If pictures are found drawn, left or right border drawn, etc., such answer sheets will be canceled.

8) The examinee must comply with the essential public health standards to be followed in the context of COVID-19 prescribed by the Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal.

Date of publication of notice: 2078-04-09

TU Service Commission