BICTE/B.Ed. ICTE and SNE 7th Semester Exam Routine 2081

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Tu Exam Routine

Tribhuvan University BICTE/B.Ed. ICTE and SNE 7th Semester Exam Routine 2081

Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Education, Dean's Office, Examination Control Division, Balkhu, Kathmandu, Nepal Notice Regarding B.Ed. 7th Semester Examination

This notice is published to inform all students that the BICTE (Regular) and B.Ed. ICT and SNE (Partial) examinations for the 7th semester of the B.Ed. program, based on the semester system, will be conducted in Poush 2081 according to the following schedule.

Exam Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

BICTE and B.Ed. ICT and SNE Programs Exam Routine 

Date BICTE Subjects B.Ed. ICT and SNE Subjects
2081/09/18 Ed.472: Research Project Ed.471: Classroom Pedagogy
2081/09/21 ICT.Ed.473: Geography Information System - ICT.Ed.475: Network Security
    - HP.Ed.475: Management & Supervision of Health & Physical Education
    - Eng.Ed.475: Readings in English
2081/09/23 ICT.Ed.474: Multimedia in Education - ICT.Ed.476: Artificial Intelligence in Education
    - HP.Ed.476: Teaching Health and Physical Education
    - Eng.Ed.476: Issues in English Language Education
2081/09/25 ICT.Ed.477: Python Programming - Math.Ed.475: Discrete Mathematics
    - SN.Ed.475: Introduction to Intellectual Disability
2081/09/28 ICT.Ed.478: Teaching Methods in ICT Education - Math.Ed.476: Teaching Mathematics
    - SN.Ed.476: Learning Disability (LD), Emotional and Behavioral Disorder (EBD), and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Important Points:

  1. Please inform the Examination Control Division immediately if there are any omissions or conflicts in the exam schedule.

  2. Practical exams must be completed and submitted to the Examination Control Division within 30 days of the written exams.

  3. Internal Assessment marks must be entered in the Online System, and the original copy must be submitted to the Examination Control Division before the exams.

Note: Exam centers will be published later.

Published Date: 2081/08/28

TU BICTE B.Ed. ICTE and SNE 7th Semester Exam Routine 2081

Tribhuvan University TU Exam Exam Routine TU Notice

Tribhuvan University (TU)

Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Estd. 1959



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