Tribhuvan University Published MA 2nd Semester Exam Schedule 2081
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dean’s Office, Kirtipur, Kathmandu Postgraduate Level (MA) Second Semester Examination Schedule.
The Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University, announces that the end-of-semester examination for the second semester of the Postgraduate (MA) level will be conducted under the semester system. This applies to regular students of the academic year 2023 and partial examinees from previous academic years up to 2019. The exams will commence on Falgun 18, 2081 BS (Nepali calendar), per the schedule below. This examination Schedule has been published for the information of all concerned.
Examination Center: This will be published in the second week of Baishakh, 2081 BS.
Examination Time: From 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
- If any related examinee finds their subjects scheduled on the same day or notices a conflict, they are advised to promptly contact this office for resolution.
- Unless otherwise notified by this office, the previously scheduled examinations will not be postponed.
- Examinees who are absent from the examination as per the published schedule will not be provided with an alternative arrangement.
- All teachers and staff working in the respective campuses and departments are requested to provide mandatory cooperation during the conduct of the examination.
Exam Schedule:
Anthropology: Contemporary Theories in Anthropology (New & Old)
Buddhist Studies: Buddhist Philosophy
Culture: Paleography
Dance: Varieties of Dance
Economics: Microeconomics-II
English: History of British and American Literature
Fine Arts: History & Applied Theory (Theory III)
Geography: Geographical Thought - II
Hindi: Adhunik Kalyan Chandra Kabiyadhara
History: International History
Home Science: Methods of Studying Child Behavior
JMC: Applied Human Physiology
Library Science: Data Communication and Computer Network in Library Services
Linguistics: Phonology
Maithili: Maithili Katha Sahitya
Nepal Bhasa: Newa: Ayathasik Bhagya Bigyan
Nepali: Samanya Bhasha Bigyan
Political Science: Constitution and Government
Population Std.: Principles of Demography - I
Psychology: Contemporary Theories in Psychology
Rural Dev.: Community Development in Nepal (New Course)
Sanskrit: Valmiki Ramayan-2
Sociology: Marxist Perspective
Anthropology: Recent Trends in Kinship Studies II (Old Course)
Buddhist Studies: Kinship Studies (New Course)
Culture: Buddhist Heritage of Northern Nepal
Dance: Various Systems of Gestures and Postures in Charya Dance
Economics: Macroeconomics II
English: Stylistics
Fine Arts: Aesthetic (Theory IV)
Geography: Detail Study of Folk & Traditional Tabla in Nepal
Hindi: Chandrashekhar Kaal
History: Chinese School of Tourism
Home Science: Social Issues in Family and Society
JMC: Political Communication
Library Science: Library and Information Management-2
Linguistics: Semantics and Pragmatics
Maithili: Mahatil Upanyash
Nepal Bhasa: Chhya
Nepali: Pushpa Sahityaka Yadra Ra Samalochana Paddati
Political Science: Public Policy and Governance
Population Std.: Population Dynamics and Nepalese Society
Psychology: Cross-Cultural Psychology
Rural Dev.: Policy, Strategy and Planning in Development (New)
Sanskrit: Sanskrit Vyakaran-2
Sociology: Quantitative Research Methodology in Sociology
Anthropology: Cast, Ethnicity and Nationalism (New & Old Course)
Buddhist Studies: Buddhist Sanskrit Literature
Culture: Philosophy
Dance: Evolution, Development and Practice Bharatanatyam Dance
Economics: Statistical Methods
English: Modern and Contemporary Literary Theory (Old Course)
Fine Arts: Theatre Writing
Geography: Physical Geography II
Hindi: Gidhya Sabitya
History: Administrative History of Nepal
Home Science: Child Health and Nutrition
JMC: Research Methodology and Media
Library Science: Information Processing and Retrieval (Theory)
Linguistics: Linguistic Typology
Maithili: Shri Sridhar Suman Biranchi
Nepal Bhasa: Paschima Nepal Bhasa
Nepali: Purba Audhonic Nahi Sahitya
Political Science: Conflict, Peace and Development
Population Std.: Demographic Methods for Population Analysis II
Psychology: Research Methods (Qualitative Approach)
Rural Dev.: Rural Urban Linkage (New Course)
Sanskrit: Sanskrit Sahityan-2
Sociology: Practice of Social Change and Development in Asia
Anthropology: Advanced Research Methods in Anthropology (Old)
Buddhist Studies: Buddhist Arts, Iconography and Scripts
Culture: Principle of Archaeology
Dance: Elements, Stanzas, and System of Tal
Economics: Economics of Development and Planning - II
English: Critical Literature
Geography: Research Method in Geography I
Hindi: Hindi Giddhi ki Vidhyarupayan, Katha Sahitya aur Natak Sahitya
History: History of Industrial Development in Nepal
Home Science: Food Biochemistry
JMC: Radio Journalism and Programme Production
Library Science: Information and Communication Technology
Linguistics: Research Methods and Field Linguistics
Maithili: Bhassahar yeham Maitil Bhasa
Nepal Bhasa: Dharna Darshan wa Parvita Darshan
Nepali: Adhyapni Nepali Natak ra Chalachitra Siddhanta
Political Science: International Law
Population Std.: Research Methods for Population Analysis
Psychology: Evolutionary Psychology
Rural Dev.: Project Management (New Course)
Sanskrit: Kavya Sastram
Sociology: Politics and Society: Interface between Nation, State
Anthropology: Economic Anthropology (Old Course)
Buddhist Studies: Buddhism of Nepal Mandala
Culture: Field Archaeology (Practical)
Dance: Research Methods and Essay Writing
English: Postcolonial Studies
Geography: Remote Sensing (Theory)
Hindi: Nirbandh avam Alochana Sahitya
History: History and School of East Asian Nations
JMC: Practical and Practices of Public Relations
Library Science: Psycholinguistics
Linguistics: Morphology
Maithili: Mahatil Nibandhan yeham Galpa Sahitya
Nepal Bhasa: Abhilhekh Bigyan
Nepali: Aushadhi Nepali Khandakavya
Political Science: Politics and Government of Nepal
Population Std.: Population Poverty and Human Development
Psychology: Health Psychology
Rural Dev.: Agriculture and Development (New Course)
Sanskrit: Application of Research Methodology (Old Course)
Sociology: Sociology of Health
Culture: Economic History of Nepal
English: Literature of War Conflict and Trauma
Geography: Creative Nonfiction
Sociology: Household and Family in Transition
For further details contact at the following address:
Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Telephone: + (977-1) 4-330358, 4-333980, 4-335104, 5-902368, 5-314679
E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
Website: www.tufohss.edu.np
Published Date: 2081/10/23